Earn Money From Facebook

Are you want to earn money from Facebook?

Everyone connected to the internet today uses Facebook. Many of us waste several minutes or hours a day on Facebook. So if we use Facebook properly then we can also earn a lot of money from Facebook. 

There are many ways to earn money from Facebook, but in this article, we will talk about a just few easy ways. After reading this article all doubts will be cleared about how to earn from Facebook, how to earn money by creating a Facebook page, and how to earn money from Facebook groups.

two frogs using facebook on computer and tablet for earning money

Earn money from facebook. Image by Alexa from Pixabay 

Article from Facebook Instant

Facebook Quick Article Easiest and Straightforward Way to Make Money From Facebook. You can earn money by showing direct ads like AdSense with Instant Article.

First of all, you need to sign up for a Facebook Instant Article. Signing up for Facebook Instant Articles, You must have a Facebook page and another blog. If you already have a page, you can sign up by contacting it.

If you don’t have a Facebook page, you can create a new page for free. Second, if you don’t have a blog, then you can sign up by creating a free blog on BlogSpot. After signing up, you will need to verify your blog with Facebook Instant Article.

 Read this post to know in detail. How to set up a Blogspot blog from the Facebook quick article. After composing a Facebook instant article, you need to submit your details to Facebook’s network of viewers. And by creating an ad unit, it will have to be placed on your blog post.

Whenever you share a link to your blog’s quick article on Facebook, it will show Facebook ads. And you can earn money by clicking ads. When your payment crosses $100 on the Facebook Audience Network, it will be available in your bank account or from PayPal.

Uploading videos to Facebook or live chat

Another easy way to earn money on Facebook is by uploading videos on Facebook. In this method, you have to upload videos on Facebook and you can earn money from Facebook ads like YouTube.

You can earn from Facebook videos in 2 ways. One is by uploading videos on Facebook and the other is through Facebook Live Stream.

To make money from live streams. You must have 2000+ followers and 300+ people watching your stream live. If you have 2k+ followers you will get a notification if you continue to stream more. Which you can earn money from. You will get money made from Facebook videos through PayPal and Direct Bank.

By promoting the product or brand

You can also earn money by advertising a brand or product on Facebook. For this, you should have a Facebook page with 10k likes. You will find many sites on the internet for promoting products. You just need to sign up on these sites and promote your given products.

List of sites to advertise brand or product on Facebook:

1. Fembit

2. Insta Brand

3. Hyptop

On Facebook, you can earn money by selling your products or by selling eBooks. There are many options for selling products on Facebook. If you have a product, you can sell it by making an offer. You can take the help of a Facebook page or Facebook group to advertise the product.

If you are an author, you can create your eBook and upload it to sell on Amazon or any other site. Then you can get huge sales by promoting this eBook on Facebook.

Link shortening

There are some link shortener sites on the internet that provide the opportunity to earn money by shortening links. You just need to promote these short links on Facebook. First, join any link shortener site and upload your profile and Complete the payment details.

Then find a site that has viral content, videos, the latest movies, or content that gets maximum clicks. Then list those pages and add short links to sites and these. Go to URL shortening of pages.

Then share the short link in large groups on Facebook. Join groups on Facebook that have a large number of members.

Then you see it will happen that every time someone clicks on your link,

First, it will go to the advertisement page of the link shortener sites. And after a few seconds, the page with this content will open. The winning clicks you get will be credited to your account.

Make money from Facebook groups

Facebook groups are the best place to promote any product because we easily find the right kind of audience for the targeted product. If you have a group and want to make money from it, you have a Great opportunity. First of all, keep your group rules strict.

So that people in the group stay interested. In your group, you can offer payment to any website owner to share your post. 

You can also earn money by selling some other products affiliated with you.  If you don’t want to run the group anymore, you can sell it to make money.

By doing CPA marketing

CPA stands for Cost Per Action In affiliate marketing, we get a commission when we sell a product, while in CPA marketing, we get a commission when a customer takes an action. In CPA, you get the customer to refer you to your CPA.

The link should take you to the targeted website. After that, you get the commission after taking the action as per the customization given in the CPA offer.

Actions are of different types, like a song, app download, and mobile. Entering a number, entering a pin code or zip code, watching a video, etc. First, you need to join the CPA network. Next, you need to link to the offer you want to promote from CPA Offers.

Facebook doesn’t directly accept most CPA links, so you need to create a landing page for it. You can then promote your landing page by sharing the link on Facebook. Facebook pages and groups can be used. CPA marketing is very easy, and a great way to make money fast. List of best CPA network sites for Facebook.

1. ClickBank

2. MaxBounty

3. Click on the Click Booth

4. Global Wide Media

5. Above all offers

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