Google Page Speed Insights – Web Speed Optimized

There are many online tools that can test the load time of your web pages. This article will show you one of these tools and how to put it to use. This tool is called Google Page Speed insights. Google page speed comes into two parts. the first part is, This article will cover to analyze your web page speed and report the results along with suggestions on how to optimize those results.

home page of google page speed insights

Web Speed Optimized

The other part is that page speed service is a service that will actually automate the optimization process of your web pages, to meet Google’s web performance. Best practices Google page speed analysis is a free tool, that you can use either online or at its as a plugin or add-on to your Firefox or Chrome browsers. 

Now demonstrate that for you in just a second. The online tool is actually the best because any updates that Google does to page speed are first done to the online tool. And then later the browser plugins are updated. 

So for the latest and greatest, you might consider just sticking to the online tool. Now, the overall goal of optimizing, your web page, no matter what tools you’re going to use to minimize the file size and to minimize the number of times that it takes your site to make a request to your site server or get as it’s also called. what I mean by that is every URL on your site, will require a request to your server for the contents of that URL to display. 

This gives us all the guts of the page there. And you see each one of these URLs in order to make that page load to make it look the way that it does. Every time that somebody opens up that URL, each one of these guys is sent off to the server where they’re hosted and we request, hey, bring this information back here to this guy’s browser.

So we can make this web page work properly. So Ideally you would have and it’s impossible but you would have one URL on the made source and all this other stuff would be in one light that is a very small file and one gets or one request now, that’s never going to happen because that would just be a dorky looking web page. 

But that’s what you’re shooting for to have the minimum number of requests and the smallest file size. You can get an overall that includes images, videos, text, and everything.

Now, every time that your site makes a request to your server, it’s also using bandwidth which is in some hosting packages. 

You are given a certain amount per month before additional charges begin. Even the unlimited bandwidth, hosts have what’s called fair use policies, which are usually not part of the advertising by the way. So, yeah, I know it’s hard to believe that a company would actually say one thing, but means something else.

Into the commentary when you have reached, what is deemed as the limits of that fair use policy your site, can then be throttled back to a standstill or in some cases even be shut down. 

But my point here is that by reducing the number of requests to your server, you are also minimizing the band your site is using. So this goal is going to do a few things for you. 

Number one is going to speed up your web pages in your visitors’ browsers, and that’s going to make them happy and much closer to being a lead or a customer of yours. Number two, since Google uses the speed, that your web page is loaded as part of the ranking process of its search results, you stand a far better chance of landing on page one of those search results, which will in turn bring you more free traffic and more of those potentially paying customers. 

And number three, we do share overall bandwidth usage, which can save your money, okay? 

Now that we’ve touched on the what and the why of using Google’s page speed insights tool. Let’s get to the how. If we head on over to, that’s going to bring us to the page speed. And on this page is quite a few items related to the page speed service one. 

Google Page Speed insights. image from Google

We’re going to be dealt with here or diving more into the Google page speed insights. One thing I want to point out. If you scroll down close to the bottom here, this link here will take you to the performance best practices. Which is basically a set of rules that Google uses to determine the optimum page speed of a particular website, or web page and that’s what these guys are testing here. 

Under the page speed insights. on this page over on the left, you click on community and then click on page speed insights here under the group name. 

This takes it to kind of like a form or a Google group of age insights. So any questions that you have, you just can’t find the answer by using the Google search tool.

Well, back here and click on analyze with page speed insights. Right here is the online tools referring to.

Copy the URL, and paste it. another reason behind using the online tool versus the plugin or the add our extension, whatever you want to call it, but it gives you a test for both a mobile version of your site or how your site looks on a mobile device, as well as how it will test or look on a desktop.

Of course the higher The number, the better your site is ranking and you want to get the highest number possible that being 100. But over here under this suggestion summary, if you’ve got three colors, red, yellow, and green, the red is the item that you really want to pay attention to and try to fix as soon as possible.

The yellow, it’s okay if you got time and it’s not that big a deal. Go ahead and put some effort into fixing it and then the greens you got those perfect, don’t worry about those. And if you scroll down to the bottom, you got the little color code that explains pretty much what I just told you. 

But under each one of these items is a link to learn more about that particular item gives you a little description here. Your page has two blocking scripts and resources, and three blocking CSS resources. 

What the heck does that mean? Click on learn more and each one of these links here takes you to a page that will explain more in detail about that particular element and how you can better optimize that element which overall will better optimize your entire page. And you can see they’re going to be a little bit different for the mobile version of the desktop. So that’s the online tool.

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